IB Paper 2 - 7. Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005)
This topic focuses on the huge social and economic changes associated with industrialization. As industrialization occurred at different times in different countries, the specific time frame focused on within the overall period (1750-2005) will depend on the examples chosen for study. The topic focuses on exploring the origins, development and impact of industrialization. Some examination questions will require students to make reference to examples of industrialization in two countries, each chosen from a different region.
One of the interesting (and challenging) features of the IB history syllabus and exam is the expectation that students don't study historical events in isolation and depth, but rather that they study the concepts and ideas that connect the isolated events together. Industrialisation is one such concept. The industrial revolution that began in Britain, quickly spread across Europe and eventually impacted the whole world. What the IB encourages you to consider is how and why industrialisation varied between countries across the world (not just Europe) and developed over time (not just the 19th century). This is not quite Big History but it is certainly bigger than typical school history!
The Khan Academy has an interesting Global approach to the industrial revolution and for that reason its worth working your way through the activities which (typically) start with Britain and then consider Japan, Egypt and India.
The IB is encouraging you to think much more analytically and conceptual, to look for connections, similarities and differences in causes and conseqeunces or in relative significance. The IB does not tell you which countries to study and therefore does not require the application of specific historical knowledge. The skill is to apply the historical examples which best fit the question asked. Consider Activity 1.