Question 1b: [2 marks] = 5 minutes
Tips for phrasing answers:
The message conveyed by the cartoon is that… and this is supported by… The second message conveyed by the source is… because the source shows…
Example question - What is the message conveyed by Source L?
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- This question also requires you to show your historical understanding but of an image or a cartoon.
- It is worth 2 marks and so you should aim for 2 separate points about the message of the cartoon.
- Use evidence from the cartoon to support each of your points
- Make sure you have a clear understanding of the cartoon before you start to write your answer, otherwise you will waste valuable time
Tips for phrasing answers:
The message conveyed by the cartoon is that… and this is supported by… The second message conveyed by the source is… because the source shows…
Example question - What is the message conveyed by Source L?
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