Year 9
Unit 4 - Roman Empire
Pompeii was a prosperous Roman town of about 20,000 people. Surrounded by strong walls, it contained shops and bars, public baths and temples, houses and beautiful villas. Its streets were typically Roman - straight and well paved. At the heart of the town was the Forum - a great open space which was kept free from carts and other wheeled traffic. Near one corner of the Forum was a fine basilica (which was used as a law court and a trading centre). Across the street from the basilica stood a beautiful temple to the god Apollo. Nearby was an even finer temple dedicated to Jupiter, leader of the Roman gods. At one corner of the town stood a large amphitheatre, where the inhabitants were entertained by gladiator fights and other such events. |
Activities - How useful is the film as evidence about what happened in Pompeii in August A.D.79?
Watch the BBC documentary ‘Pompeii: the Last day’.