Matu syllabus reference - Le Tiers Monde : montrer l’émergence de pays nouveaux à l’heure de la décolonisation et identifier leurs aspirations à la lumière de la Conférence de Bandoung ; cerner les modèles de développement et le choix du non alignement. Matu syllabus
A4 Revision essentials is a printable but not editable A4 sheet with the absolute essentials to hopefully help you pass the Matu.
'Six like Sydney' is from the notes of a very successful former student. These are often more detailed than the website and might be edited to create your own notes. |
Matu History Revision Booklet Podcast was created using AI (Google's remarkable NotebookLM). The content of the conversation was generated from simply uploading the relevant content from the A4 Revisions essentials above and waiting a few moments.
Quizet Top Ten Questions
Study the revision guide or listen to the podcast and then test your understanding by considering the following key questions:
Study the revision guide or listen to the podcast and then test your understanding by considering the following key questions: