Lesson 12 - Comparative analysis
In this lesson students use the presentations from the previous lessons on Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia to prepare a comparison of the two regimes. In completing the following table, it is important that factual support is provided for the points that are made and that explicit comparison and contrasts are made where appropriate. You can download a Word version of the table here or you can simply design your own. Completed work should be added to your OneNote as Lesson 12 and will form the basis of your revision for the end of unit test.
In this lesson students use the presentations from the previous lessons on Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia to prepare a comparison of the two regimes. In completing the following table, it is important that factual support is provided for the points that are made and that explicit comparison and contrasts are made where appropriate. You can download a Word version of the table here or you can simply design your own. Completed work should be added to your OneNote as Lesson 12 and will form the basis of your revision for the end of unit test.